A first-of-its kind service, Walsh’s two-gigabit Internet speed is wired to every home and included in your HOA assessments.
At Walsh, we believe in Internet for all. So much so, we have always considered it the fourth utility along with electricity, gas and water. As long as our residents live in Walsh, there will be no limits to what they can create online with some of the fastest web-based connections in the country. Equipped with a standard two-gigabit Internet speed, families can use multiple devices at the same time as they work, play, watch movies or communicate with friends and family.
Get up to speed with the latest innovations in TV cable, home Internet and Frog services. Learn more about what services make us one of the most connected communities in the United States.
A first-of-its kind service, Walsh’s two-gigabit Internet speed is wired to every home and included in your HOA assessments.
Two gigabits may be fast, but homeowners and businesses that need more bandwidth can upgrade to ten gigabits at affordable rates with no additional equipment.
Walsh residents can choose between Direct TV dish and app-driven cable providers. Our Frog team suggests using Sling TV or Direct TV Now on Apple TV or Roku device for the best service.
Our technology partner, Frog, offers residents unparalleled customer service with dedicated representatives and technicians located in Walsh Village.